Players can now have access to cross-platform features in Guilty Gear Strive, allowing them to play games online against players between PlayStation consoles and Steam. Once the update is live, you’ll be able to turn cross-platform play On or Off in Settings under System Settings. The cross-platform features will be enabled by default, so make sure to keep that in mind. The game will accommodate this new feature with things such as a search/display filter for cross-platform Ranking, Replay, Combo Maker, and Digital Figure. You’ll be able to choose between players on the same platform as you or players on other platforms. You’ll also see a platform icon next to player names, telling you which platform they are playing on. Guilty Gear Strive Update 1.24 will also see the function to report other players being added to the game. Reported players will be evaluated and, if they are determined to be malicious, will have measures enacted against them. The game will also introduce a Mute function that hides the player’s name and any text sent by that player from your screen. Do keep in mind that Muted players will be automatically un-muted once you shut down the game. Let’s briefly talk about the changes to Guilty Gear Strive’s mechanics. You may notice that a lot of the general changes in universal mechanics will revolve around R.I.S.C. For example, the Tension Gauge will now increase more depending on the character’s R.I.S.C. level. This increases the reward for making it out of a dangerous situation. Additionally, R.I.S.C. will reset when you use Psych Burst, enabling you to escape a dangerous situation. However, if you try using it while your R.I.S.C. level is high, you’ll still find yourself at a disadvantage, being susceptible to major damage from a punish if you fail. Finally, R.I.S.C. depletion will happen at an increased rate now. Other general changes you can expect from Guilty Gear Strive once the latest update is live are changes to the proximity requirements so attacks can connect; Base Damage Scaling that will affect all characters for various attacks with the exception of certain moves such as Close Standing S. We recommend you read the game’s full patch notes if you want to see more specific details regarding things such as individual character changes. Guilty Gear Strive is currently available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. An Xbox Series and Xbox One version will be available in 2023.

Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 78Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 87Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 66Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 62Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 2Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 2Guilty Gear Strive Update 1 24 Brings Cross Play Between PlayStation and PC Versions on December 15 - 74